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Dear Sentinel-Hub support,

in EO Browser I tried to order some Maxar WorldView data (using my assigned NOR quotas). I can submit the order and it already appears in the quotas (-10 sqkm) while still processing. But at some time it vanishes. Also the quotas were set back and I see my full original assignment again. It looks like no order was executed at all.

I’ve already tried a smaller order with just two timestamps but that also fails.

Requesting from Airbus Pleiades works.

Can you please have a look?

Thank you!

Georg Zitzlsberger

Hi @georg.zitzlsberger,

you can see the status of your orders in the Dashboard.

You will notice there that the delivery for the WorldView orders has failed, as a consequence of the error on the side of the data provider. In such cases we obviously compensate the quota back to the user.

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