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I was wondering how can we perform cloud detection.

(1) Is it the same process for all the sentinel products (S2-L2A and S2-L1C)?

(2) Is the cloud detection always performed at 80m resolution?

(3) Are cloud detection and cloud masking applied the same way on the data for different seasons, or do I need to adapt it to each season separately?

We suggest you use CLM/CLP bands, which are calulated using our s2cloudless mechanism.

More info here:

Sentinel Hub

Sentinel Hub is multi-spectral, temporal satellite imagery service for real-time processing of big remote sensing data.

and here:

360db83263e79cba7951e7ba15aa4495131aa0f1.pngMedium – 3 Jul 20

Cloud Masks at Your Service

s2cloudless is an ML algorithm for computing cloud masks on Sentinel-2 data. We announce the availability of cloud masks via our services.

Reading time: 8 min read

and here:

360db83263e79cba7951e7ba15aa4495131aa0f1.pngMedium – 12 May 20

S2cloudness or how we processed 130 Bn km² of cloud masks in less than a day

Spoiler alert: in reality it took us about two years to do this but hey, the last step, processing of data, took much less than a day —…

Reading time: 7 min read
