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We currently have a Basic license and use Sentinel L2A to retrieve images for given locations as we need relatively frequent image updates. The issue we’re having is the clarity of those images at 30m. Is there an option to get clearer images, even at a longer update timescale, so not having updates every 5 days as a trade-off for a clearer image? Or do we need to purchase so additional add-on to achieve this?


Hello, Sentinel 2 is available at 10m for some bands (R, G, B, NIR) and 20m for most other bands.

There is no free Satelite available which offers higher resolution data. There’s two other options: If you don’t have very big parcels that you are monitoring you can purchase for example PlanetScope Data with the Hectares under Management plan.

Other options really depend on your study area. For the tropics there’s free Planet NICFI data which is at <5m resolution, available half yearly and since 2020 available monthly.

Sentinel Hub also offers some other commercial imagery providers which offer data at higher resolution. See this page: Pricing

In Europe you might also be able to access the Very High Resolution Image Mosaics these are produced every 3 years only over Europe. However they are not available on Sentinel Hub.

Thanks. is is possible to see examples of the resolution offered by the PlanetScope data? Also does this cover urban areas such as cities?

Hi @SLDev ,

There are some examples on the Planet website:

PlanetScope does cover urban areas, please see the documentation for more information.

Thank You. Is there a way to try the Planet data in Sentinel without purchasing the 250 euro package? We want to check that the area(s) we need are covered before purchasing.

Hi @SLDev ,

You could search the products before purchasing the package with Sentinel Hub. Please follow our webinar and use Requests Builder to check the data availability over your area of interest.

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