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Im using the endpoint in postman sending the following body:


“name”: “test subscription future date 2”,

“input”: {

“planetApiKey”: “apikey…”,

“provider”: “PLANET”,

“bounds”: {

“geometry”: {

“type”: “Polygon”,


























“data”: <


“itemType”: “PSScene”,

“productBundle”: “analytic_sr_udm2”,

“dataFilter”: {

“timeRange”: {

“from”: “2023-08-25T00:00:00.000Z”,

“to”: “2024-03-04T00:00:00.000Z”


“maxCloudCoverage”: 100,

“nativeFilter”: {

“type”: “StringInFilter”,

“field_name”: “quality_category”,

“config”: >





“harmonizeTo”: “NONE”





I always get a 200 response with all the data, the id, the sqkm, etc.

When i try to confirm the subscription using the following endpoint:, i always get a 400 response with the follwing error: {

“error”: {

“status”: 400,

“reason”: “Bad Request”,

“message”: “{"error":{"reason":"Source issue","details":"catalog: Missing permissions for requested item type, asset types, geometry or date range"]}}”,




I looked in the forum and i noticed that several people had the same problem and it was related to the planet account config.

I was trying to create a subscription in an argentinian state, i do in fact have tier 2 paid so i can query that zone.

Apart from that i have a little doubt:

After being able to confirm the subscription the next step would be to extract the collection id and then i could extract the images from planet till the subscription is finished, is that correct?

Could anyone help me in both this topics?

Thanks in advanced.

it seems this might be a configuration issue on our side. Let me check and come back to you.
I apologise for the inconvenience.



it seems there was a misconfiguration on the side of Planet, we apologise for that.
The issue should have been fixed and we were able to confirm one of your test subscriptions, which is now running.

Thank you for your patience.
