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When i try to sign in, i always get the same error. The only way i managed to log in was using incognito mode, i cleaned my cache and history from chrome but i still can’t log in unless i use incognito mode


{“error”:{“status”:400,“reason”:“Bad Request”,“message”:“Illegal secretIdentifier”,“code”:“COMMON_BAD_PAYLOAD”}}

I would like to know how i can fix this problem

Thank you

It looks like some kind of broken session. Clearing the cookies should fix this, just make sure you clear them when you are on domain (which deals with authentication) and not on (where EO Browser is).

In other words:

  1. go to (ignore the error message)

  2. press F12 to open Developer Tools

  3. choose Application tab -> Storage -> Cookies, expand the option, right click on “” and choose “Clear”

This should solve the problem.

Hello, thank you for your help

I did all the steps but i still can’t log in unless i use incognito mode

That’s weird. Unfortunately we can’t replicate the problem on our end, so I’m only guessing… can you try something else?

  1. this time, go to EO Browser (

  2. press F12 to open Developer Tools

  3. choose Application tab -> Storage

  4. go through all the domains both in Local Storage and Cookies (should be 3 domains in each), right click each of them and choose “Clear”

  5. refresh page

Hope it works…

I tried but i’m still getting the same error
