Hey there!
I have a question regarding the batch API and its flexibility:
I am currently testing your excellent eo-learn API to look into roughly 100k scattered field parcles over a larger region (each parcel has a different time period of interest). The final aim with this data is to perform a crop type classification. So currently my eopatches are single field parcels and each eopatch has a different start- and enddate as a time interval (the length of the interval is however the same).
I am interested in implementing/downlading this with the batch API to speed things up and also potentially lower costs, BUT: Is this use case possible with the batch API? As far as I could see, one can only provide a general bounding box, a general time interval, and a predefined tiling grid. Subsequently all data for this bounding box and dates are downloaded as tiles based on this grid. Or is it possible to download custom tiles (e.g. field parcels?) and provide a different timeinterval for each of them?
Best regards