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NDVI processed from AWS S3 S2 (L2A) differs from Science Hub products. NDVI from AWS is lower than NDVI processed on the same obtained date from Science Hub products (systematic difference). As ESA mentioned, is that due to ESA updating the processing baseline since 25 Jan 2022?

Hi @fengsvsu,

can you be a bit more specific about your issue?

There are two S2 L2A buckets on AWS:

  • sentinel-s2-l2a - which contains the exact copies of products from Science Hub and is managed by us

  • sentinel-cogs - which does include some re-processing steps in order to make it consistent with pre-baseline 4.0 data - this one is managed by Element84 and you should contact them for details

If, however, you are referring to the data retreived from Sentinel Hub API, you can configure whether you would like to get original reflectance or harmonised to the old baseline using harmonizeValues parameter.

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