Up until now when I make an API call to get either imagery or statistics for a date range, data was returned based on the cloud cover calculated for the whole tile. Like this: http://services.sentinel-hub.com/v1/fis/{instance}?LAYER=NDVI-VALUE&TIME=2015-06-30/2019-01-01&CRS=EPSG:4326&RESOLUTION=10m&MAXCC=5&GEOMETRY=POLYGON(())
However, with Cloud Detector — s2cloudless, is it possible and, if so, how would I do an API call to get imagery and statistical info for a date range where data is returned based on cloud cover detected per Area of Interest (POLYGON or BBOX), instead of the whole tile?
I’m aware of the sentinelhub-py library, but I was wondering if there would be a simple way for a non-technical person like myself to get this data by making an API call.
The result I’m looking for is to get imagery and statistical info for a specific area with less than 0% cloud cover.
Many thanks,