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In the Playground under “Effects”, there used to be a toggle to show acquisition date for each tile. A little while ago this toggle stopped working, and today I found that it has disappeared completely.

Has this feature been moved elsewhere, or has it been removed (if so, why)?


Hi Tom,

Due to ongoing upgrades of the services, this feature was removed from Sentinel Playground. I’d recommend you to use EO Browser, which gives you much better control over what data you are using.

If you need any more help, let us know!

Yeah, I might have to do that, though I find Playground to be much more user friendly and easier for what I’m using it for (looking at snow cover when planning ski tours or running).

Thank you for the quick answer to my question!


You might want to check the new version (beta beta) of the EO Browser UX, where we tried to address the simplicity:

Hi EO Browser users,
to help you get to your satellite images even faster, we are working on an update to the Visualize tab which will introduce a new workflow via a “Smart Panel”.
You can now get to a visualization in just 2 clicks (enter/zoom to location, show latest date).
The main changes are:

Visualize tab

Introduction of a smart panel (blue box on top) with hints on how to get to a visualization (new feature)
Available sensors and satellites can now be filtered via a text input field…

Looking forward to seeing the “date of acquisition” option back on Playground. I frequently direct non-specialist users to Playground and that is an extremely important feature for them.
