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Access new tools for analyzing your Planet data on Sentinel Hub

  • 2 April 2024
  • 2 replies

If you are a Planet customer who does not currently have paid access to Sentinel Hub, you are eligible for 6 months of Sentinel Hub access. You can use this 6 months of access to explore new features for analyzing Planet data. If you have an existing 30-day free trial account with Sentinel Hub, you can choose to move to the 6 month access.


To sign up for the 6 month trial, you can go to your account page to create your account.


With Sentinel Hub, you will be able to:


  • Deliver your Planet data to be hosted in the Planet cloud, so you don’t need to download or manage your data elsewhere
  • Analyze data with processing and statistical data analysis tools, through the EO Browser web applications or APIs
  • Access and analyze public datasets like Sentinel and Landsat
  • Explore Sandbox Data from Planet to see new data layers like Planetary Variables and Analysis-Ready PlanetScope. You can also go to EO Browser to explore Sandbox Data that we’ve made available for you to explore.


For the 6 month time period, you will have access to:

  • Applications including EO Browser and Request Builder
  • API’s including the Catalog, Process, OGC, Statistical, Bring Your Own COG (BYOC), and Third Party Data Import (TPDI) APIs
  • 10,000 processing units / 30,000 requests per month (rate limited to 300 processing units / 300 requests per minute)
  • For more information, check here


After 6 months, the account will transition to a free plan with access to only EO Browser.This means that access to the APIs will be removed. To continue access, you can upgrade to a paid plan from our website or through contacting Planet.

For more resources on how to get started on Sentinel Hub, visit Planet University or reach out in this thread!

2 replies

Badge +2

Please note -- this trial also applies to Planet Partners!  


Greetings from Manafwa district in Eastern Uganda 🇺🇬  I am a Laudato Si Animator, member of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and Large -Scale Ecosystem Restoration Section (LERS)

Great activity going on at Sentinel Hub. I am happy with the access to explore new features for analyzing planet data. This program can come in handy in the course I do with SER.

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to monitoring and restoration projects in rural Manafwa district in Eastern Uganda where I come from.

Thank you,


