Hi @nikhalster,
I tried executing the same request with my instance ID and a layer that uses Sentinel-2 L1C as a data source and it works fine.
Which data source are you using? Do you still get the same error for this request?
I am using S2 L1C as well. I am still receiving the same error but when i change the date range, I get valid data. But I need it for a specific date range. The date range is around 4 months.
Can you post the first 2 blocks of your instance ID so that we can debug with it?
Thanks, we have identified the error (some of the files were ingested wrongly) and fixed it.
I have some other regions as well which give the same error. Is there a portal where I can officially give you the list of problematic areas?
I guess this forum is the best place actually.
Ideally provide requests (as in the initial step) - we need to know AOI, TIME and layer parameters.
Actually, I am currently using another enterprise account and I cannot post details about it on a public forum.
It would be great if you provide me a private medium to report my issues.
Understood. I will send you a private message.
I’ve got apparently the same problem. Can it be fixed or do you have any suggestions?
DownloadFailedException: During execution of task S2L1CWCSInput: Failed to download from:
with HTTPError:
500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://services.sentinel-hub.com/ogc/wcs/e3179348-?SERVICE=wcs&MAXCC=100.0&ShowLogo=False&Transparent=True&BBOX=647348.6118769929%2C5701897.348804479%2C647614.3831275287%2C5702232.357709395&FORMAT=image%2Ftiff%3Bdepth%3D32f&CRS=EPSG%3A32631&TIME=2019-07-17T09%3A46%3A49%2F2019-07-17T11%3A46%3A49&RESX=10m&RESY=10m&COVERAGE=BANDS-S2-L1C&REQUEST=GetCoverage&VERSION=1.1.2
Server response: “java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.sinergise.sentinel.java.io.manager.MissingFileException: Illegal request to https://sentinel-s2-l1c-index.s3.amazonaws.com/tiles/31/U/FT/2019/7/17/0/B11.index. HTTP Status: 403”
Can you try again?
One of the scenes at this location was corrupted and we had to correct it.
It works perfectly! thank you very much for the quick reply!
@rim.sleimi If I try to run your request (clicking on the url you posted above), the error message says: “It looks like your Sentinel Hub account has expired.” I believe you have used up the processing units of your trial account.
How come I get this error when I am using a totally different account?
It shows a different instance ID than the one I am currently using.
What I am using:
What the error shows:
What do you mean by different account?
Both these two instance_ids are not valid.
new email, new sentinelhub configuration. I just set it up like 2h ago, why it is not valid ?
See your dashboard(s). You used up the trial number of requests/processing units. As soon as that happens, your trial account gets deactivated.
So the trial number of requests/ processing units get used up even though I haven’t downloaded any data?