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What’s New with the GEE Integration?


Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a supported delivery destination for the Orders API. New in this release: 

  • All Orders API tools are now supported allowing  you to apply preprocessing to your imagery before it is delivered to GEE. 
  • Added support for ordering Planet Basemaps.

Interested in learning more about Planet's GEE delivery enhancements? 

Check out this recent blog from Kevin Lacaille for a deep dive into our integration! 

GEE Integration: a Planet Developers Deep Dive

Refer to the Google Earth Engine Delivery documentation.



It is great to have basemap function added to Planet’s GEE delivery. I noted two issues that could be improved to better use the basemap function. 

  1. If no tools (e.g., clip, were applied when order basemap, the asset name delivered to GEE will be same across different dates (XXX-XXXX_quad). It would be nice to have the date added to filename. 
  2. If tools were applied, the asset name would then be “ps_biweekly_visual_subscription_2023-04-17_2023-05-01_mosaic_merge_clip_$orderid\”. This would cause error since GEE import API only allows at most 100 characters.

#gee #basemap


Hi @zcwang,

This is great feedback and thank you for voicing it! I would suggest you post these as separate ideas in the Ideation forum of the community. That way it can be available for others to upvote and voice their opinions. We incorporate ideas submitted into our roadmap and this would be the best way to get your feedback direct to the product mangers! 
Thanks again!