I am having trouble in getting a clear display of a true color composite (TCI) of a harvested farm in north of India in QGIS. I am using Planetscope image of 2024 from the 8-band Superdove collection. This is a 2.5 acre farm. The TCI content is getting obscured by rainbow effect (‘Unclear.png’). The band ranges and other symbology details are given in ‘Unclear_specs.png’). I have attached a screenshot of the metadata of this farm for reference (‘Unclear_metadata.png’). What band value ranges or other parameters should I edit to see a clearer image?
FYR, I have attached screenshots in the three categories for a larger farm (14 acres) that is harvested in one plot and tilled in other plots: Clear_14ac.png, Clear_14ac_specs.png, Clear_14ac_metadata.png. This farm has a very clear view. The clear confidence percent for this image is 95 as compared to the unclear farm (85) but that should not produce such a drastic difference in clarity given the clear percent in both images is 100.
Please help me with getting the right display of the unclear TCI.