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Hi Community,


I used to think the Red-edge band alongside Red, Green, Blue and Near-Infrared bands of Planet are harmonized with Sentinel-2. However, the FAQ available through New-Generation PlanetScope FAQs suggests that Red-edge is excluded. Please could someone provide some information about this?

Since the harmonized band is only from, I think January of 2022. I aim to use Sentinel-2 bands (red, blue, green and NIR) as a proxy for PlanetScope bands to enable me to go back to 2018 through 2022, and then interpolate the actual PlanetScope bands from 2022 to date for a time series analysis. My second query is to ask if an existing published article exists on this.

Thank you


Best regards




Hi Michael,

We investigated your question. Here is the answer:

1. The harmonization tool does not normalize all 8-bands  to Sentinel-2A. The goal of this tool was to allow Dove-C and Dove-R/SuperDove imagery to be used together for the four core bands (Red, Green, Blue, NIR). We decided to leave the additional four bands from SuperDove out of it. We are looking into making this possible in the future.

2. SuperDove Red-Edge band closely matches that of Sentinel-2A Band 5. They shouldn't need to apply harmonization to use the red edge bands together.


If you have further questions we would recommend going to support. We are happy to open a ticket on your behalf, please just reply by letting us know you would like that.

Hi @idilgumus,

Thanks for your quick feedback. I really appreciate it. Please go ahead to push it further to support and raising a ticket. It would help me further in understanding how to formulate my hypothesis.


Best regards



Hi @Michael Ogungbuyi,

I have raised a support ticket on you behalf and copied the email you use to sign in to the community! Please let us know if we can help you with anything else! 

Hi Planet Team,

I wish to follow up on this post by asking if Harmonized version of the Planetscope still available for education and research API? I am having some troubles accessing this option. Your feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.



Hi @Michael Ogungbuyi,

Yes, harmonized is an option by default for E&R users to download
