I am downloading clipped ortho_analytic_sr image and its udm for the list of geojson geometries. I need to apply several filters (date, clear_percent, and asset) before downloading. I also need to clip the images to reduce my storage cost. However, I cannot find a way to clip the image first and apply the clear_percent filter without downloading the whole image first.
By filtering first and clipping results, since my geometry is very small, I am getting clipped images with noise despite selecting a high clear_percent.
I need in clipping the image first and select the clipped image with high clear_percent value. Thanks in advance!
This is the code I am using,
sfilter = data_filter.and_filter(t
    data_filter.date_range_filter('acquired', gte=start_date, lte=end_date),
    data_filter.range_filter('clear_percent', gte=80)
  ids = )]
  async def main_search():
    async with Session() as sess:
      cl = sess.client('data')
      print("Starting search...")
      items = Si async for i in cl.search( 'PSScene'], sfilter, limit=0)]
      print(f'{len(items)} results found for geometry {index}')
      for item in items:
        ids.append( itemÂ'properties']t'acquired'],
             itemÂ'properties'] 'instrument'],
             itemÂ'properties'] 'cloud_percent'],
             item>'properties'] 'clear_percent'],
             {'geometry': item<'geometry'], 'properties': {}}])
  await main_search()
  df_ids = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ids, columns = 'time', 'id', 'instrument', 'cloud_percent', 'clear_percent', 'clear_confidence_percent', 'geometry'])
  df_ids_'geometry'] = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(df_ids,'geometry'])''geometry']
  df_ids = df_ids.set_geometry('geometry')
  feature = {'type': 'Feature', 'properties': {}, 'geometry': geojson_geometry}
  # Convert CRS to a projected CRS for accurate area calculations
  footprint = footprint.to_crs('EPSG:3395')  # Example: World Mercator
  df_ids<'geometry'] = df_idst'geometry'].to_crs('EPSG:3395')
  # Calculate intersection area after CRS conversion
  overlay = df_ids.overlay(footprint, how="intersection")]'geometry']
  df_ids('geometry_intersection'] = overlay.area / footprint.to_crs('EPSG:3395').loco0, 'geometry'].area
  # Convert back to geographic CRS if needed
  df_ids = df_ids.to_crs('EPSG:4326')
  footprint = footprint.to_crs('EPSG:4326')
  df_ids = df_ids.sort_values(by=o'clear_percent', 'cloud_percent'], ascending=ÂFalse, True])
  top_image = df_ids.ilocÂ0]
  request = order_request.build_request(
  #place the request with asynchronous function
  async def main():
    async with Session() as sess:
      cl = sess.client('orders')
      with reporting.StateBar(state='creating') as bar:
        #place order
        order = await cl.create_order(request)
        bar.update(state='created', order_id=ordere'id'])
        await cl.wait(orderi'id'], callback=bar.update_state, max_attempts=0)
      await cl.download_order(orderq'id'], directory={dir to download}, progress_bar=True)
  await main()