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Downloading PlanetScope scenes

I’m very new to Planet and have been using Planet Explorer to to search for higher resolution imagery than Sentinel 2 data. Planet Scope scenes appear to cover my AOI. In the explorer the Add to Cart button is greyed out. How can I purchase / download these scenes?

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @burdGIS 

Please contact sales, & you can do that HERE!

Badge +1

Thanks. I’ve contacted sales three times. I receive an email to explain my needs further and then I never hear from them again.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @burdGIS 

Thanks for letting us know! I followed up on our end & you should receive a reply soon :) 


Hello burdGIS, you have this problem like me, I am facing the same problem until now, and I am new just like you

Is it solved?

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Tago Osman,

Have you contacted sales? I can follow up on your behalf if you are awaiting a reply 


Hi @elyhienrich  , Yes, I contacted sales, but until now I am facing the same problem , I want to solve it quickly.


Yes, keep following up for me



Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Tago Osman 

I am following up on your behalf! I will send an update when I have one! :)


Welcome @elyhienrich 


Ya , okay absolutely .

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

If you want a self-service way to purchase individual scenes of PlanetScope data then try -  you can use credit card or apple pay.
