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I am new to Planet and am currently going through the tutorials, etc., but I have a quick question on data.


I downloaded some imagery yesterday, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for. It came clipped and also complete as an RGB image.


I was hoping for something more like you would get in Earth Explorer with a Tile covering the area and individual bands of imagery so I can do ratios and data fusion.


Is this possible with Planet imagery?


Thanks for any assistance or advice.



Hey! Thanks for the question. PlanetScope has a few different asset types, if you just got RGB you may have downloaded the visual asset type. If you’re interested in exploring/analyzing more spectral bands take a look at some other asset types here like the 8-band surface reflectance (ortho_analytic_8b_sr) that might be better for your use case. 


PlanetScope data isn’t tiled by default like some of the imagery you may have explored in USGS’s Earth Explorer. However, you can use the Tile tool in the Orders API to tile PlanetScope to a grid you are more familiar with. 


Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any additional questions. 



