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Dear Community,

I would like to find out how to deal with cloud masking using the UDM2 data from the PlanetScope.

I already acquired an image that is cloud-free (from metadata cloud is 0.16). Do I need to do any cloud processing or masking? since this cloud percentage is basically insignificant.

Again, I used a shape-file to acquire the image of my location since I want the image to span a period of data range; how do I go about the image mosaicing process?

Thank you for the help


Hi Elisha. You can use the Clear band of the UDM2 file to mask out any clouds from your image. It’s not mandatory to use it. if your image is already clear or the clouds that are present do not hide what you’re interested in, then you can decide whether to use it or not. 

Dear alanabelcon,

Thank you very much for your response.

This is helpful.
