We notice a significant difference between some images that Planet shows us on its Planet-NICFI Basemap Viewer and those extracted in TFRecord format. Here is a guided example of what we notice:
There is a shp and a geojson (id_27954006.zip) of a 540x540 meters grid on this link:
This is what this geometry looks like in ‘planet_medres_normalized_analytic_2021-10_mosaic’ in Basemap Viewer:
We extract the NICFI-Planet geometry of this shp into TFRecord files using Planet integration with Google Earth Engine. Tropical Americas Image Collections are filtered as in the developer’s example using python. We use ee.Filter.date(‘2021-10-01’, ‘2021-10-31’) to get the same October mosaic basemap than before.
This process results in a TFRecord file (id27954006_1.tfrecord.gz) with bands data from Planet Basemap (R, G, B). When we extract the information of these TFRecord and plot it we obtain the following:
In most geometries and mosaics with which we work, these images are usually the same. However, this problem has been presented to us on several occasions and we have not found information about it.
We have not seen any information about this problem. Thank you for your attention!