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  1. See above image. I’m having an issue where in some versions of QGIS my downloaded PlanetScope imagery looks like the right image where the bands seem to be shortened/ not rendering properly at all and the error of “this file is not georeferenced”. Is there a known source for this problem?

 2. At times, select geotiffs state the properties of the geotiff state that there are no labelled bands, just that one band out of the 4 is “Gray”. Is there a resource that explains the meaning/source of this and how this may impact my data? (see above image)

  1. From question 1, the image on the left. I am told that the the correct order of the bands is BGR but The RGB bands are inconsistently labelled with Band 1: blue (Red) - what is the reasoning behind this and what is the true intended color of the band? (see above image)

Hi Michelle, thanks for posting!

If you require additional help with this issue, we suggest filing a support ticket. If you need any further assistance, please reach out to

Have a nice day!
