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Greetings all,

By my own admission, I am very new at the satellite imagery usage and processing, so I am confused about the image quality (resolution) that I am seeing in the images downloaded.

I am downloading a series of images that have a GSD of 3.7m, so this should allow me to resolve an object of about 9m.

When I open the images in ArcGIS Pro, the images are really pixelated, and I cannot even clearly see the outline of houses.

Here are some item IDs that I have downloaded today 20230921_151412_22_242d, 20230820_155500_02_247d, 20230705_150612_29_2420, 20230530_151402_74_24cc, 20230403_150804_41_2431, 20230723_150707_37_2460

And here is a sample of the images I see on my screen, viewed at a resolution of 1:3,672. Heck, I get better resolution from Google Maps imagery (but not the 8 band spectra) like the Planet images have.


Do you know what I am doing wrong?


I meant to say a scale of 1:3,672 😋

Hi @Ovidiu 

Based on the information in this post, we believe support will be able to help you. We have created a support ticket on your behalf and have copied the email you have used in your Community account. 


Thank you @idilgumus 

Looking forward to their response.


I am having the same problem. 

Hi @esf,

Are you still having the same issue? 
Please let us know if you would like us to create a support ticket on your behalf, or if you would like to do it, simply email! 

To others who have the same or similar questions:

PlanetScope imagery which is included in the E&R program is 3.7 meter resolution, should you require or would like a higher resolution image, you would need to use SkySat.
We have a course on Planet University if you would like to learn more: Intro to SkySat and the Tasking Dashboard
If you would like to purchase SkySat imagery please Contact Sales.
