Inform me when I am getting close to running out of data

I’d like to be informed when I am close to running out data in SkySat, PlanetScope and Tile Views. This will give me a better idea of how to manage my quota and when to reach out to purchase more

This is a good idea!

Very useful functionality to include.

Hi Caitlin


Thank you for this!

We are looking to launching quota notifications externally. Would you mind if i contacted you to glean more information around your requirements?


Best Regards,


NewDelivered (Partially)

Hi @caitlin

I want to inform you that we have moved this idea to Delivered (Partially). 

See: Tasking Dashboard Quota Automation Enhancements (June 13, 2023) product announcement for more information! 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!