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Increase size of Support text box

I contacted planet support a few times recently and I find the text box too small (it allows only 4 lines of text visible), it would be great to have that increased so an user can see their question/comment all at once.


text box is to short


Hi @AndreaMelchiorre 

The limit is 65k. You may need to either use the scroll bar or expand the dialog.
There is no setting to increase the default for the viewable portion of the dialog.

Please let us know if this solves the issue you are raising and if it does I will close out this idea :) 


now that you say that I saw that corner, and realized I can expand the box, but it is not visible nor intuitive you can expand the box, my opinion of course.

would not hurt to have a larger default size of the dialog.


you can close the idea - unless it can become “increase the default size of the dialog”



Hi @AndreaMelchiorre,

Thank you for this feedback, unfortunately this is not a functionality we have control over so we cannot fulfill your request. However, we will pass this feedback along to our vendor and update this post accordingly. 

I will close out this idea now. 

NewClosed (Parked)