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It would be helpful to expand the ability to automatically deliver data (especially ARPS) to bigger European and German cloud providers. It would be a great advantage if the delivery methods in Orders and Subscription API would support these cloud storage.

Tendering processes in Europe are more and more focused on Europe First with mandatory requirements of delivering all kinds of data into EU based cloud systems. If Planet wants to continue winning tenders in Europe, it is absolutely crucial to deliver/host our data accordingly.

From what I heard from our customers, this is indeed a highly relevant issue. Two of the main cloud providers that they would like to be able to directly deliver our data to are

  • Creodias Cloud
  • Open Telekom Cloud


This idea is under review and open for discussion and voting. This is the investigation stage when we gather more information.

Adding myself to this request, which was already mentioned in this Idea request. This is currently a requirement for another large European client that is creating a major work around. 

As far as I know, Open Telekom Cloud has an S3 compatible API so maybe it helps to make it compatible since we already deliver to S3

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.