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We are pleased to announce the first beta release of the Planet SDK for Python V2. It’s got a number of great improvements. With this version, we’re abstracting out all the details of interacting with Planet’s APIs, so you can focus on using the data instead of coding another REST API. It handles errors, retries, exponential back-off, and traffic-shaping, all in async interfaces. Request as much data as you want, with the confidence that it’s coming to you as fast as it can.

And for those who aren’t Python programmers, we’ve also built a new Command-Line Interface to enable easy interaction with Planet APIs. It is similar to V1, but built in a more modular fashion to enable a wider array of workflows. The documentation walks you through how it works, even if you have little or no CLI experience.

Both the SDK and the CLI support the Orders, Data, and Subscriptions APIs. We’re already building out support for the next APIs based on your feedback. To get started, install it from pip with ‘pip install planet –pre’, explore the CLI, and then dive into the Python Guide. Be sure to not miss the SDK Examples that link to a number of Python Notebooks.

And don’t hesitate to ask for help and give us lots of feedback: just post on the Planet Community Developers Forum and tag it with ‘sdk’ or ‘cli’. 

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