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Hello! I’m replicating the code found at this link with my own set of images and am receiving the error in the screenshot below when trying to place the order. For reference, I’m trying to pull all available analytic_8b_sr_udm2 products that overlap with my specified area of interest.I’m unsure if this is a problem with the API, the images I’m trying to order or the way I’ve written the code. My code is exactly the same as the one linked, except I performed a paginated quick search first and then copy and pasted the resulting item id list into the request code. That item id list has 786 image ids in it. Any insight someone can provide about what is causing this error and how to fix it would be so appreciated!


Hi @GabiZuccolotto24,

We have opened a support ticket on your behalf, as we believe Support will be able to help you with your issue, using the email you have used here on Planet Community. 

Thanks, and please feel free to reach out if you have any addition questions! 
