I am trying to figure out how to use either the basemaps api or the orders api to download polygon selections of basemaps. So far, I have this code:
# Order api stuff for basemaps
def download_basemap(self, session, request, download_location, file_prefix):
#POST request to get data
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = session.post(self.ORDERS_API_URL, data=json.dumps(request), headers=headers)
#Construct url for getting request status
order_id = response.json()['id']
order_url = self.ORDERS_API_URL + '/' + order_id
#Check request status, once it's done download data
r = session.get(order_url)
response = r.json()
state = response['state']
end_states = ['success', 'failed', 'partial']
if state in end_states:
#Download data
response = session.get(order_url).json()
mosaic_name = response["products"][0]['mosaic_name']
coordinates = response["products"][0]['geometry']['coordinates']
#print("name and coords:", mosaic_name, coordinates)
#print(json.dumps(response, indent=1))
#Download each file
results = response['_links']['results']
#print(json.dumps(results, indent=1))
for r in results:
download_url = r["location"]
# Save data to file
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37573483/progress-bar-while-download-file-over-http-with-requests
#print(r["name"], mosaic_name, coordinates)
download_string_name = r["name"].replace("/", "_")
filesavepath = str(download_location) + "/" + str(file_prefix) + "_" + str(download_string_name)
response = session.get(download_url, stream=True)
total_size_in_bytes = int(response.headers.get('content-length', 0))
block_size = 1024 #1 Kilobyte?
print("-Downloading", filesavepath, "-", total_size_in_bytes/1e9, "gb")
# Download file 1kb at a time
progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit='iB', unit_scale=True, position=0)
with open(filesavepath, 'wb') as file:
for data in response.iter_content(block_size):
# 3 band data....
basemapRequest = {
"name": "Basemap order with geometry",
"source_type": "basemaps",
"products": [
"mosaic_name": "global_monthly_2022_06_mosaic",
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates":[[[14.60, 52.30], [14.61, 52.30], [14.61, 52.31], [14.60, 52.31], [14.60, 52.30]]],
API_Wrapper.download_basemap(session, basemapRequest, "../Data/ForestTest8", "testprefix")
However this seems to return a visual basemap (RBG only). I’ve been trying to add fields to the json request like “item_types” and “product_bundle”, but it’s still returning the same visual basemap data. I’m not sure what I’m missing here…
It might be relevant to say that my account is under “Education and Research” and is the ‘Basic’ (free) plan.