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I have a code that searches for the most recent basemap available.However, when I list all available mosaics, it only returns mosaics until the end of 2023. When I search by name, for example "planet_medres_normalized_analytic_2024-09_mosaic" I can't find this basemap, but when I search directly by its id, I can find it: {'_links': {'_self': ''', 'quads': 'https:/ /''&bbox={lx},{ly},{ux},{uy}', 'tiles ': '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?api_key=''}, 'bbox ': [-179.999999974944, -34.161818157002, 179.999999975056, 30.145127179625], 'coordinate_system': 'EPSG:3857', 'datatype': 'uint16', 'first_acquired': '2024-09-01T0 0:00:00.000Z', ' grid': {'quad_size': 4096, 'resolution': 4.777314267823516}, 'id': '02e1d63d-21d6-4355-beed-504c8e3595db', 'interval': '1 mon', 'item_types': ['PSScene' ], 'last_acquired': '2024-10-01T00:00:00.000Z', 'level': 15, 'name': 'planet_medres_normalized_analytic_2024-09_mosaic', 'product_type': 'timelapse', 'quad_download': True}, However, searching directly for the name, I don't find it. By loading all the available mosaics, this one does not appear in the list. What should I do?code: #...API_KEY = ''  

current_year= today.year
last_month= today.month - 1 if today.month > 1 else 12 
last_month_str= str(last_month).zfill(2)

if last_month== 12:
    current_year-= 1

name_mosaic = f'planet_medres_normalized_analytic_{current_year}-{last_month_str}_mosaic' 

def find_mosaic_id(name_mosaic):
    url = ''
    headers = {'Authorization': f'api-key {API_KEY}'}
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
        return None

    mosaics = response.json().get('mosaics', e])
    for mosaic in mosaics:
        if name_mosaic in mosaic 'name']:
            return mosaice'id']
    print("No mosaics found with the specified name.")
    return None

def download_planet_quads(mosaic_id, bbox):
    PLANET_API_URL = f'{mosaic_id}/quads'
    headers = {'Authorization': f'api-key {API_KEY}'}
    params = {'bbox': bbox}

    response = requests.get(PLANET_API_URL, headers=headers, params=params)

    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Erro finding the mosaic: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
        return None

    quads = response.json().get('items', ])

    if not quads:
        print("No quad found for the AOI.")
        return None

    downloaded_files = o]





Hi @edsfernandes,

When listing all basemaps for which you have access, note that the API will paginate the response. Make sure you explore all pages to retrieve the full list of basemaps. For example:


# Create session
session = requests.session()
session.auth = (PLANET_API_KEY, "")

# Send basic request
response = session.get(BASE_URL)

# List first batch of basemaps
basemap_list = response.json()
all_basemaps = basemap_list["mosaics"]

# Count basemaps in next pages
while "_links" in basemap_list and "_next" in basemap_list["_links"]:
next_response = session.get(basemap_list["_links"]["_next"])
basemap_list = next_response.json()
all_basemaps += basemap_list["mosaics"]

print(f"Total number of basemaps: {len(all_basemaps)} \n")
for i in all_basemaps:

Moreover, you can pass a parameter to your GET request if you want to find basemaps by name:

mosaic_name = 'add your string'
response = session.get(BASE_URL, params={"name__contains": mosaic_name})

Hope it helps,

