✨ New Planet Features API Beta Release ✨

Planet Features API (Beta) Planet recently released its Features API (Beta). The Features API is a great way to improve the efficiency of your data discovery and delivery workflows by enabling you to store your Areas of Interest (AOIs) once and reference them, as needed, across the platform. Planet discovery and delivery APIs that now support saved Feature references include:Orders API  Subscriptions API  Data API The Features API also includes endpoints for validating and simplifying your AOIs so that they meet the Planet geometry rules (such as max 1500 vertex limit) before saving them. After a Feature is saved, it can be accessed as an OGC-compliant Features API.API docs for the Planet Features API can be found in the Planet Features API documentation. Example Features API workflow Note: For more detailed workflow examples, refer the Planet Jupyter Notebook.  To create a Feature Collection make a POST to the Collection endpoint and include a Collection name and description.  POST to https://api.planet.com/features/v0/ogc/my/collections To validate that your Features (AOIs) meet the Planet geometry requirements, make a POST request to the /validate endpoint. The API response provides more details if your Feature does not meet the geometry rules.  POST https://api.planet.com/features/v0/ogc/my/collections/validate To add Features (AOIs) to your Feature Collection, make a POST to the items endpoint. You can include Title, ID, and Description properties.  POST https://api.planet.com/features/v0/ogc/my/collections/:collectionID/items  To share a Feature Collection so that other users in your Organization can find and access the AOI Features, make a POST request to the permission endpoint: POST https://api.planet.com/features/features/v0/ogc/my/collections/:collectionID/permission  After a Feature is saved, you can reference it in the Planet delivery APIs. For example, make a POST request to the Orders API to deliver data where you need it.  POST https://api.planet.com/compute/ops/orders/v2 Feature Reference: A reference (URL, ID) to a specific Feature.Learning ResourcesFor information on working with Planet APIs, see Get Started with Planet APIs.Note: The Planet Features API is currently in Public Beta and future releases may not be backwards compatible. Following the General Availability (GA) release of the API, we will provide support for a duration of six months.FeedbackHave feedback? Please let us know using the Planet Features API Beta Feedback form.

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✨ Update to Planet Basemaps ✨

Planet implemented an improved normalization approach for surface reflectance basemaps that use Sentinel-2 as a normalization target.Why is this important?PlanetScope imagery is collected using a constellation of different satellites—including different satellite generations—that have different relative spectral responses (RSRs). The different RSRs are due to the different sensors, and the variability in PS surface reflectance (SR) data. SR correction for PS data relies on MODIS estimates of the atmospheric optical thickness, which is collected at a different time of day and at a coarser spatial resolution when compared with PS imagery. This leads to significant variability in PS SR data even for images that have the same RSR. For example, same satellite generation and sensor. Therefore, we apply normalization to correct for the variability of SR data leading to more consistent time series.What did we change?We processed the entire Sentinel-2 imagery catalog between 2017 and 2023 using the Framework for Operational Radiometric Correction for Environmental monitoring (FORCE) method then created monthly-cadence, multi-year composites by estimating the 30th percentile for each pixel location using only cloud-free data. How does this improve the product?Sentinel-2 normalized basemaps will have better correlation to FORCE making them more consistent and accurate for time series use.  The improvements were intentionally made to be fully backwards compatible with our current normalization models so existing customer and archive data is still 100% valid and usable.Are there any possible impacts?The new approach works best when there are a high number of observations to build the model. In areas where observations are limited due to clouds or other conditions, the algorithm may produce inaccurate results that manifest as artifacts in the final product. Examples of this are shown in the technical datasheet. If you notice this or any other artifacts please file a ticket and the customer support team will address the issue. This is not expected to be widespread so there is minimal risk of impact.For additional information, refer to the Surface Reflectance Basemaps Technical Datasheet.

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✨ Tasking Dashboard and API Updates ✨

This update will simplify how quality issues are managed and also how quality information is presented in the Tasking Dashboard.In preparation for this change, we will also simplify how we surface quality information in the dashboard.These improvements are part of a broader initiative to make Planet quality processes faster, more accurate, and easier to interact with - more to come in the next months!What's New? New Evaluation field API Tasking DashboardThe Evaluation field replaces the Assessment field, which is deprecated and will not reflect future improvements to our quality processes.Rejecting a capture in the Tasking DashboardIf you disagree with the quality evaluation for an order, the Tasking Dashboard allows you to request an additional review of the capture within two weeks from the capture publication date.The Assessment feature replaces the current manual process and you no longer have to contact your Planet representative.Please provide as much information as possible in your request to expedite the process.The process of the capture review is visible in the dashboard in the capture detail view and in the order history.The Planet team reviews your request and might re-task or re-process the image if our quality commitments are not met. Email notifications will be sent to the order creator once a decision is made. Your Planet representative may also reach out for more information about this issue.

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Announcing: Planet SDK for Python 2.0.0 is live!

This is a repost. See the original post: hereA few months ago, we let you know about the first beta release of our new Python SDK and CLI. On behalf of the Developer Relations team here at Planet, I’m so excited to announce that this new toolkit is now live and available to all. This new and improved toolkit took the best parts of the original Planet Python library and added a number of great improvements. If you’ve had the opportunity to use the beta tool, you’ll already be familiar with how much easier it makes working with Planet’s APIs in Python: the 2.0 release of our Python SDK abstracts out all the details of interacting with Planet’s APIs, so you can focus on actually using the data and building workflows. We’ve also built a new Command-Line Interface to enable that same easy interaction with Planet APIs – without using code. If you’re already familiar with Planet’s V1 CLI, the new and improved CLI is similar while also allowing you to work in a more modular fashion, enabling a wider array of workflows. Check out the documentation here to learn more about how it works, and don’t miss the Tips & Tricks section for some nifty examples of how you can use the Planet CLI alongside your favorite geospatial tools like GDAL/OGR, Fiona (fio), Kepler.gl, Placemark.io, and more. Both the SDK and the CLI support the Orders, Data, and Subscriptions APIs. To get started, install it from pip with ‘pip install planet’, explore the CLI, and then dive into the Python Guide. Be sure to not miss the SDK Examples that link to a number of Python Notebooks. If you’re already a user of the V1 Python Client, check out our upgrade guide for tips on migrating your code to V2. We’re very interested in hearing from you all as you start using this new toolkit, so don’t hesitate to ask for help or share your feedback with us: just post here on the Planet Community Developers Forum and tag your post with ‘sdk’ or ‘cli’.

✨Planet Explorer Updates!✨ (April 19, 2023)

Planet Explorer Updates April 19, 2023✨ New ✨It is now easier to preview and order imagery. When you search for imagery, there are three new buttons.Click the X items button to check out each satellite image from that date and make the best choice. Click the eye button to preview the imagery from that date on the map. Click the cart button to add the imagery to your order. You can select and de-select imagery from multiple dates. You can also lock the footprint of an image onto the map to get a better sense of coverage.When you place an order, there is a new option to composite images, which stitches them together. You will receive fewer files and consume less quota. Composite all will give you one file and composite by strip will provide the most consistency (spatial, spectral, environmental, etc). Take a look at the impact of each option on the map to get a sense of what you will receive.You can now more easily use your Hosted Data in other tools and platforms. Download the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) and pull it into other web applications at no extra cost.Improvements 🙌🏻You can now select MGRS as a format in Settings, under the Coordinate System section. You can also easily copy MGRS coordinates out of Explorer to paste into other systems. The coordinates can be found in the bottom banner of the app. Please note: precision varies by the zoom level and resolution.

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